Thursday, November 29, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

Vegas done in 48 hours!

Well...we made our annual trip to Vegas the weekend before Thanksgiving.
We had 48 hours and I wasn't going to waste a MOMENT of it.
I started before we even left for the airport. Traffic was horrid that day and I was nervous we wouldnt make it to the airport in time. My boss could sense that while I was waiting for Kenny to come get me and offered up a drink. "SURE!" I said.

We decided to take the MAX to the airport because the risk of getting stuck in traffic had me too freaked out! I didn't want to miss a moment in Vegas!

So we got it done in Vegas.

Kenny went to play poker in a tournament at 11:00AM at the Luxor so Matt, our Vegas friend, and I went to Mandalay Bay and had some beverages of the adult variety. I was drunk dialing by noon! It was funny.

We went to the arcade at the Luxor and played "Whack a Mole" and I WAS THE RULER at that game. Even drunk, I was good at it! You would have been amazed. Probably the best "Whack a Mole" player you've EVER seen.

We went and took a nap until the Vegas sun went down then got up, got refreshed with a good buffet dinner, and did it all over again! I didn't know I had that kind of animal inside of me anymore!

The weekend ended with a bad hangover and a delicious meal of "In-N-Out" ANIMAL STYLE and then a dinner with my Dad who flew into Vegas the day we left. We do that every year.

Anyone ever need any tips on how to do Vegas in 48 hours or less....I'm your woman!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Help a widowed mother of 3!

As some of you already know from my last blog, a friend of mine from high school tragically lost her husband on Saturday.

You may remember her...Stacy Besaw.

So so very sad. UNIMAGINABLE!

Over the last couple days, I've talked to her several times and from what I gather finances are a bit of a concern.

She's now the sole bread-winner of her family and she has 3 kids so I can imagine she's a bit nervous.

I'm asking anyone that wants to help monetarily, or otherwise to do so. It would mean the world to her I'm certain.

If you don't know her and feel odd sending it to her yourself, you an send to me and I guarantee you I'll take care of it for you. Or, you can send to her if that's easier.

Contact me if you want to help!


Thanks you guys!


Sunday, November 11, 2007

I love my husband!

A friend of mine from high school called me very early this morning. I always say that if the phone rings and it's before 7, something isn't right.
Once again, that theory has been proven true.

She sounded so sad.

Her worst nightmare, a worst nightmare for a lot of people, had come to life.

She said, "I'm not so good."
She went on to tell me that her husband was on his way home from work on Friday night and was in a car accident and killed.

My heart broke for her, and is still breaking. I can't even imagine how sad she must feel right now. They have 3 kids and were SO in love! They didn't have a lot of fancy things, but had each other and that was all they needed.

I'm so sad for her right now and there isn't a thing I can do for her.

I went outside to Kenny, where he was raking leaves l and just held him in my arms and made a promise to NEVER take him for granted. I can't even fathom life without him.

We talked about it and we made a promise to each other to never leave mad or upset. ALWAYS leave on good terms.

My heart aches for my friend and I just hope she finds her new normal and is able to live a different kind of life.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Did you say...Vegas?

Well, Kenny has surprised me again! He kept his promise that he made while at "Jakes" for our anniversary!

I was having a bad day on Thursday and he called me and asked if I had checked my email yet. I said, "no."
I felt suspicious because usually I check it when I check it and that's that.
He called again and was really adamant that I check it STRAIGHT AWAY!

So I asked the boss if I could get online and check because it was driving me nuts!

When I the email box, there was an email from Alaska Airlines!!! It was our itinerary for our Vegas trip. We leave Friday!

We go for this same weekend every year. Have since we got together! I was sad that we weren't going but had come to terms with it.

I'm so excited! I have no pictures to put up of it...but you'll see them when we get back.

My goal is 500 pictures. Not sure it can be done since we'll only be there for 2 days. I'm gonna do my best and feel good about trying!

Monday, November 5, 2007

It's time for a new outfit!

I was just going through my pictures and I noticed that I WEAR THE SAME THING ALL THE TIME!
If I could just get somewhere with WW and stop stalling, I would HAVE to get new clothing and then perhaps wouldn't look the same all the time.

Most of you who know me well, know that I keep my camera at close reach at all times. I'm always taking pictures, (constantly taking pictures) and it seems that there can be a 4 week period of events and through all of them, I look EXACTLY the same!

It's time for a change!

Hard to do though. I don't want to stay at this weight for much longer. In fact, looking to change it up this week, hoping to anyway! I suppose I could go to Ross, but that takes patience. I could also go to Good Will, but that takes more than just patience! It takes balls, it takes perseverance and a lot of patience. Which I'm not so good with right now.

Anyway, I'll find a way!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Oopsies, I said I wasn't going to drink this weekend!

I did, I said I wasn't going to drink this weekend.

Well, I changed my mind.

We went to Ed and Rita's house. The boys played a friendly game of poker and the girls drank some friendly bottles of wine.

"White Truck" the wine we started with was decent, I thought. "Barefoot" the second one, not so good. But we decided to bypass our tongues and use straws to aid in faster alcohol absorbtion. That might not have been the best idea. Not sure.

Of course we took a walk. Also maybe not a a good idea. Cold, dark, 4 women alone, no cell phones. Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't think it's that good of an idea. :)

It was a fun time for sure!

Here are some things we came up with:

"When you swallow, you don't get air....when you swallow." Rita E
"Doesn't that look like an extremely large flame for such a small candle?" Rita E

"I'm NOT ********." Rita E

"I jumped out of my chair. I think they were looking at me funny, so I need some shaved ice." Rita E

"I'm just a mermaid princess." Rita E

"I can't drunk be mommy." Rita E

"WHAT?" Don't know who said that!


"OFTEN?" "Who say's often?" Gmoo

"I do. I'm 30!" Marie

Friday, November 2, 2007

All Hallows Eve

Well, Halloween just happens to be my Fathers Birthday! He turned 56 and from what can see, doesn't look a day over 25! Especially this night!

I got a costume ready in about 10 minutes. I seem to do better under a little pressure. I waited truly until the last minute to come up with something and I think it turned out FANTASTIC!

I reminded myself of my late Aunt Marge and what's funny about that, I said NOTHING to anyone about it and when I saw my Dad, he said, "you look like your Aunt Marge!" :)

My sister and I went as TRASH! I went to Rite Aid earlier in the day and got some LONG LONG LONG fake nails, painted them trashy red, which is still half way on my nails by the way!

It was fun times! Our friends Shane and Gabrielle, now known (thanks to my father) as GAYbrielle, came down. HILARIOUS! He came as a Mormon and she came as a whore maid...we called them a "whoremon." HA!

Fun night, but whose idea was it to have Halloween on a work night?!

You can see all of my pictures at
But you have to be a MySpace-er to get into my profile I think!