Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A little more about me...Not that you didn't already know.

I'm married to Kenny. Kenny is WONDERFUL. Kenny is the best husband ever. (except Ben of course!) Kenny and I were married September 30th, 2006. Kenny and I have a house in ...well...we have a house together. Kenny and I like to sell things on Ebay. Kenny and I have a love for eachother that is absolutely everlasting. Kenny gets me. Kenny is patient with me. Kenny adores me. KENNY KENNY KENNY! I guess this post should have been titled "Kenny."

Anyway, with all that poor grammar out of my system I just have to say that I love him!

We have a very fun life together and as my blog goes on, you'll see more of it because I'm an my camera that is. I take it everywhere, I take pictures of everything. Not a moment in our lives goes un-documented. It's very important to me and Kenny is very understanding of it. I think I'd be irritated by me.

Anyway, I'm a nanny. I take care of 2 kids that I LOVE LOVE LOVE so much. They're so great! The family I work for is awesome. They are fun times and we share a lot of the same ideals which makes my job a lot easier. Not to mention their kids are adorable! It's hard to take it too seriously when the kids are so stinkin cute.

Kenny is an accountant/office bitch for a local mortgage company. Seems to be liking it. He's good at what he does. And that goes for everything he does. He's very methodical and analytical. I love that about him. He comes up with some great ideas.

We/I have two dogs. My 1996 Model T Pug, Reggie who by some accounts smells like a sea lion cage. (BUT I LOVE HIM!) And my awesomely funny Cocker Spaniel Buddy. They're my babies. LOVE EM BOTH!

I think that's enough for now. I really do!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I can't argue that Ben is the best husband ever! At least he's my favorite... Had fun with you guys tonight!!