Friday, October 26, 2007

IKEA...nothing grabbed me by my ass!


So last night we went to IKEA with our new friends, Ben and Andrea!

We started out by HORRID traffic. It took us a long time to get there. There were a LOT of cars headed to Washington from the Oregon side. I think that sucks! Kenny says it's good for our economy. I don't's horrid for our traffic!

Anyway, we had dinner in the delicious diner there. Surprisingly enough, Andrea and I were able to make good decisions. It's an easy place to eat as a Weight Watcher. With full and healthy bellies, we pressed on for the 2 hour journey that is IKEA! It took 2 FULL hours. AND there were no other people there really. Except one guy that had this horribly annoying laugh that Kenny decided early on WE MUST PASS THEM! So we did.

We tried out beds, (not sure we were supposed to) we tried out the shower (not sure we were supposed to) Andrea tried out the stuffed animal pit (not sure she was supposed to).

I had the new shoes on that caused such bad blisters a few weeks ago and was forced to go barefoot the rest of the way in there. I was 'reactivating' the blisters! NO GOOD!

We made the discovery that IKEA does all of their shopping at Target. And apparently the stuff they get at Target is worth so much, that they have to connect it to their store in some way! Either a hog-tie, or a screw...either way, you're NOT getting it out of that store!

We made it through and we didn't do too much damage to our bank accounts. Couldn't, didn't have enough trunk space!

Kenny and I decided that as a couple of married couples, we hang out well! I enjoyed being around them and so did Kenny. Besides, Andrea makes it easy for me to make good eating choices!

Oh, and one other thing...
The Crack Factory is the first door on the RIGHT!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Your blog officially beats mine. You're too funny. We had a blast with you guys too!

And I am steering clear of the crack factory tonight... that would be because I only have 2 pts left for the day, among other good reasons to not go to a crack factory.