Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I love kettle corn!

The trouble with kettle corn is, it's so darn good, that I can't stop eating it once I start!
I eat it and as I'm enjoying it's crispy, sweet goodness I'm thinking to myself, "this isn't going to fair well at the scale."

You see, I'm a Weight Watcher and I know that kettle corn isn't the best choice for my afternoon snack! ESPECIALLY on the day of weigh in!

In other news...

I took Chloe to the pumpkin patch in North Plains the other day...which is where I got said crispy, sweet deliciousness! It was fun. In this picture, we're on the pond at the pumpkin patch.

Onto other things...
All the kids are resting quietly which is the peace in my day. I feel accomplished when, at 3;30, everyone is quiet and I can enjoy my afternoon snack, some good ole trashy tv, or just the quiet! (Let's just hope that every day isn't a kettle corn snack day!)
Chloe has a friend over, Keon, and they're watching "The Wizard of Oz" which I'll be doing also as soon as I'm done with this. I LOVE THAT MOVIE! But mostly when it turns color. The black and white, (sepia) part really isn't that interesting to me.
I find that's true with kids too. They don't sit quietly through a movie that's in black and white. It must be in color!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Blogging is contagious!! I'm excited to see your "random" blogging.