Monday, October 29, 2007

To most of you, this will make NO sense! But please read!

To sum all of this that you are about to read....
We went to the beach this weekend. Cristin was awesome enough to let us stay.
We drank. SHOCKING I know. If you can find it in your heart to believe it, there was lots of drinking!

We took walks on the you'll read.
Marie, Dom, Kenny and I went crabbing earlier in the day. We got along for 1 hour 45 minutes...the last 15 minutes didn't go so well.

There is a book, like in every beach house, to write a little blurb about your stay at the beach house and I saw it and decided it was more of just a place for me to write my nonsense. Now, everyone that stays there, will have to decifer what the hell it all means!



Entry #1
Friday, October 26th.

It's our first night here, in the beach house. I have figured out EVERYTHING is "just a baby."
We walked on the beach. Who knows how far? I have no idea. We walked on the prom and learned NOTHING! Perhaps, how to walk on hands and knees on the boardwalk railing, but not really. More, we just learned to crawl along there. I hope everyone learns the same stuff! More maybe tomorrow.

Entry #2
Saturday, October 27th

Sandy Teeth
What happens is, we go and then we learn why they are...if we can.
We have two babies here. I love both
My handwriting, not so good. But I love to write.
There isn't a thing wrong with burnt popcorn. We love it. Not sure what we'll do with just one!
It makes it so much harder. But we love everything.
There's not cheesesticks...and that's the problem.
When it's cold, there's less chance of hypothermia.

Entry #3
Saturday, October 27 (LATER THAT NIGHT)

So now, we're off to sleeping. Sometimes it's better to sleep this sort of thing off.

Just sleep, that's all there is. No more boats, just sleep. It's done for now...I think

If we split these crackers, it won't be so many times.

Friday, October 26, 2007

IKEA...nothing grabbed me by my ass!


So last night we went to IKEA with our new friends, Ben and Andrea!

We started out by HORRID traffic. It took us a long time to get there. There were a LOT of cars headed to Washington from the Oregon side. I think that sucks! Kenny says it's good for our economy. I don't's horrid for our traffic!

Anyway, we had dinner in the delicious diner there. Surprisingly enough, Andrea and I were able to make good decisions. It's an easy place to eat as a Weight Watcher. With full and healthy bellies, we pressed on for the 2 hour journey that is IKEA! It took 2 FULL hours. AND there were no other people there really. Except one guy that had this horribly annoying laugh that Kenny decided early on WE MUST PASS THEM! So we did.

We tried out beds, (not sure we were supposed to) we tried out the shower (not sure we were supposed to) Andrea tried out the stuffed animal pit (not sure she was supposed to).

I had the new shoes on that caused such bad blisters a few weeks ago and was forced to go barefoot the rest of the way in there. I was 'reactivating' the blisters! NO GOOD!

We made the discovery that IKEA does all of their shopping at Target. And apparently the stuff they get at Target is worth so much, that they have to connect it to their store in some way! Either a hog-tie, or a screw...either way, you're NOT getting it out of that store!

We made it through and we didn't do too much damage to our bank accounts. Couldn't, didn't have enough trunk space!

Kenny and I decided that as a couple of married couples, we hang out well! I enjoyed being around them and so did Kenny. Besides, Andrea makes it easy for me to make good eating choices!

Oh, and one other thing...
The Crack Factory is the first door on the RIGHT!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A little more about me...Not that you didn't already know.

I'm married to Kenny. Kenny is WONDERFUL. Kenny is the best husband ever. (except Ben of course!) Kenny and I were married September 30th, 2006. Kenny and I have a house in ...well...we have a house together. Kenny and I like to sell things on Ebay. Kenny and I have a love for eachother that is absolutely everlasting. Kenny gets me. Kenny is patient with me. Kenny adores me. KENNY KENNY KENNY! I guess this post should have been titled "Kenny."

Anyway, with all that poor grammar out of my system I just have to say that I love him!

We have a very fun life together and as my blog goes on, you'll see more of it because I'm an my camera that is. I take it everywhere, I take pictures of everything. Not a moment in our lives goes un-documented. It's very important to me and Kenny is very understanding of it. I think I'd be irritated by me.

Anyway, I'm a nanny. I take care of 2 kids that I LOVE LOVE LOVE so much. They're so great! The family I work for is awesome. They are fun times and we share a lot of the same ideals which makes my job a lot easier. Not to mention their kids are adorable! It's hard to take it too seriously when the kids are so stinkin cute.

Kenny is an accountant/office bitch for a local mortgage company. Seems to be liking it. He's good at what he does. And that goes for everything he does. He's very methodical and analytical. I love that about him. He comes up with some great ideas.

We/I have two dogs. My 1996 Model T Pug, Reggie who by some accounts smells like a sea lion cage. (BUT I LOVE HIM!) And my awesomely funny Cocker Spaniel Buddy. They're my babies. LOVE EM BOTH!

I think that's enough for now. I really do!

I love kettle corn!

The trouble with kettle corn is, it's so darn good, that I can't stop eating it once I start!
I eat it and as I'm enjoying it's crispy, sweet goodness I'm thinking to myself, "this isn't going to fair well at the scale."

You see, I'm a Weight Watcher and I know that kettle corn isn't the best choice for my afternoon snack! ESPECIALLY on the day of weigh in!

In other news...

I took Chloe to the pumpkin patch in North Plains the other day...which is where I got said crispy, sweet deliciousness! It was fun. In this picture, we're on the pond at the pumpkin patch.

Onto other things...
All the kids are resting quietly which is the peace in my day. I feel accomplished when, at 3;30, everyone is quiet and I can enjoy my afternoon snack, some good ole trashy tv, or just the quiet! (Let's just hope that every day isn't a kettle corn snack day!)
Chloe has a friend over, Keon, and they're watching "The Wizard of Oz" which I'll be doing also as soon as I'm done with this. I LOVE THAT MOVIE! But mostly when it turns color. The black and white, (sepia) part really isn't that interesting to me.
I find that's true with kids too. They don't sit quietly through a movie that's in black and white. It must be in color!