Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Stoutt's Christmas Gala

Well, we had a very busy weekend.

Matt, from Vegas was in town. We had a Christmas Tree to hunt, we had Christmas lights to hang and most importantly, we had the Christmas Gala to have.

We got every one of those things done successfully.

The party started at 7...Kenny decided to hop in the shower at 6:50. So the couple of guests that were there a little early decided to play a little game. "Who can get drunk before Kenny gets out of the shower?" Well, that's never a good idea. Drinking games should be outlawed for the lead to misbehavior and leaning over the toilet for a little rest.

I became too obnoxious for even my own husband! I had fun but I am a little embarrassed. It's never fun to be THAT GUY...and I was THAT GUY at my own party! Oh well. Everyone that was there loves me so they aren't mad...but I still feel dumb!

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